Rules and regulations for the use of the Book Dispenser Machine

How to Use Our Book Dispenser Machine

  1. Students, PhD students and AMU staff that have valid library card/Student ID card (ELS card), PhD student ID card (ELS card), and an active library account with no overdue materials or book limit exceeded are entitled to request and collect library materials using the Book-O-Mat. This self-service new device allows users to collect and return books previously ordered online regardless of the Library’s operating hours or closure
  2. The Book-O-Mat is located in the passage to the courtyard, which is on the left side of the library building, opposite the entrance to the Circulation Dept. at 40 Ratajczaka St.
  3. The Book-O-Mat is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including public holidays and the days when the Library is not operating.
  4. To obtain access to the Book-O-Mat outside the Library’s operating hours, open the gate using your library card (ELS/ELD card): scan the barcode of your card in the card reader which is located on the left hand side on the wall.
  5. Only books available in the stacks at 38/40 Ratajczaka St. and other Library’s stacks are available for pick up from this library book dispenser machine.
  6. Before books are ready for collection, users have to place an order through the library system via the online catalogue: BIBLIOTEKA UNIWERSYTECKA (, with the following self-service check-out mode for the requested items clearly indicated: “Book-O-Mat” or “Book-O-Mat – access for people with disabilities.
  7. When the book is prepared for borrowing, the staff places it in the book-o-mat and the order is marked in the library system as ready for collection. The library system shall notify the user of the possibility to collect a copy with the following message: ”Requested books are ready for pick up from Book-O-Mat” sent to the user’s e-mail address submitted earlier to our library system. Users are requested to collect the requested books within two days, otherwise requested books will be returned to the stacks.
  8. Self-service book checkout: a library card or electronic ID is required to open the locker; to access your account, scan your library card or ELS/ELD card barcode in the card scanner on the touch screen reader located on the right side of the book dispenser or click the button ”Odbiór (check-out)”, then enter the number of your library card on the touch screen. The button “Proceed to check out” opens the locker with the requested book. Do not forget to close the door of the locker.
  9. With a request for a multiple number of books, the requested books can be deposited in a number of boxes that need to be opened using the button “proceed to checkout”. After all the books have been collected and the doors closed, press the button ”Finish”.
  10. During the pickup, the following message may appear: ”Borrowing unavailable. Check out your Reader’s Account or contact the Lending Dept.”. This message informs you about your invalid library account, due payments, or book limits exceeded. To sort out any questions, contact the Lending Dept.:, tel. 61 829 3851.
  11. Only books from the stacks of Poznań University Library can be returned using the Book-O-Mat. A book is only considered “returned” by the Library when it has been checked in and removed from your library account by library staff after the opening of the Lending Dept. Books from AMU faculty libraries and other libraries cannot be returned using the Book-O-Mat.
  12. If you are returning books when the library is closed press the button ”Zwrot (return)”, then scan the barcode of your library card (ELS/ELD cards) in the reader on the left hand side of the book dispenser, or alternatively type in manually the number of your library card on the touch screen of the Book-O-Mat. The next step is to scan the barcode on the back of the book to return item. More than one book can be placed in one locker. To do so, click on the button ”proceed to check-in” and scan the barcodes of the remaining books. Click on the button ”Return” and choose an unoccupied locker or lockers marked with the green colour. Place the books in the open locker/s, close the door of the locker, and click on the ”Zakończ” (finish)
  13. Leaving the premises of the Library outside its operating hours: you can open the gate using the switch located in the wall on the right hand side of the building.


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

Udział w obiedzie w dniu 09/04/2025*
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