Organizational structure


dr Małgorzata Dąbrowicz

tel. +48 61 829 3820

Deputy Librarian

mgr Małgorzata Rychlik tel. +48 61 829 3801

Deputy Librarian

mgr Bożena Świstek-Oborska  tel. +48 61 829-3822

Deputy Librarian (Administration office)

mgr Maciej Bochyński
tel.: +48 61 829 3840  

Acquisition and Collection Development Department

lic. Agnieszka Rybarczyk, st. bibliotekarz
tel. +48 61 829-3802


Acquisition policy»

The Acquisition Department is divided into sections responsible for the following tasks:

  • registration of books to be incorporated into the Horizon library automated system (deposit copy books, purchases, gifts and donations)
  • inventory of publications sent to the Library, losses and gaps record, monitoring of publishers

lic. Paulina Biela-Wojtasiak
mgr Grażyna Jarmużek
mgr Diana Szary-Matuszkowiak, tel. 061 829 3807

  • purchase of publications published abroad and special collections from antiquarian booksellers,
  • financial settlements and accounting
  • acquisition and inventory of comics and graphic novels
  • purchase offers (including those from antiquarian booksellers)

mgr Małgorzata Bródka, tel. +48 61 829 3803

  • registration of books to be incorporated into the Horizon library automated system  (deposit copy books, purchases)
  • purchase of Polish books

mgr Urszula Radecka-Obrochta, tel. 61 829 3803

  • purchase of Polish books,
  • purchase of books requested via the Propose a Book service,
  • acquisition and inventory of regional publications

mgr Radosław Franckiewicz, tel. +48 61 829 3803

  • purchase of books published by the AMU University Publishing House – Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM,
  • book exchange

dr Jerzy Hatłas, tel. +48 61 829 3806

  • donations acceptance, selection and inventory of gifts and donations for the Library,

dr Olga Wawrzyniak, tel. +48 61 829 3806

dr Katarzyna Gmerek, tel. 61 829 3806

Journals and e-publications Section

tel.+48 61 829 3804

Tasks to be fulfilled by the section:

Assigned tasks:

  • subscription of Polish and foreign titles for the University,
  • tender procedures for scheduled supplies of journals to the Library and to the branch libraries,
  • financial accounting pertaining to journals, databases and consortia subscriptions

mgr Ewa Lembicz, head of the Section , tel. +48 61 829 3804

  • registration of periodicals and jourals’ income stream and redistribution to faculty and branch libraries

mgr Ewa Rodzielska, tel. +48 61 829 3804

Invoice processing and management (journals, data bases, electronic resources, consortia settlements)  for the Library and other organisational units in Adam Mickiewicz University.

Monitoring and accounting of financial resources allocated to requested materials.

Drawing up the accounts of invoices for the Acquisitions Department on a monthly basis (newspapers, journals, data bases, electronic books, printed books and other library materials) for the AMU Public Procurement Department and accounting of library materials liable to registers of the AMU Tangible Fixed Assets Department

mgr Anna Bochyńska, tel. +48 61 293805

  • administration of e-journals and registration of purchased Polish titles of journals

mgr Michał Kordek, tel. +48 61 829 3805

  • purchases and administration of e-books,

mgr Michał Pijewski, tel. +48 61 829 3805

  • registration of journals obtained on the basis of the deposit copy regulations

mgr Monika Dydymska, mgr Elżbieta Zawisza, tel. +48 61 829 3805

Section of Utilisation of Unwanted Material

Handling and disposing of unwanted materials

tel. +48 61-829-3808

mgr Piotr Hauser, head of the Section, +48 61 829 3808.

Tasks to be fulfilled by the section:

  • maintaining online database ”Duplicate copies for sale/exchange” for research and academic libraries
  • handover of duplicate copies and unwanted materials to libraries of the library network of AMU (branch, institute and faculty libraries), to other academic and research libraries in Poznań (Poznań University of Economics, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poznań University of Technology) and to other partners of PUL
  • maintaining online database “Duplicate Copies Management at Poznań University Library”
  • handover unwanted journals and periodicals to institute libraries at AMU and, on the basis of signed agreements, to other libraries in the town (libraries of universities and other higher education institutions in Poznań)

mgr Dariusz Grajek, +48 61 829-3808

Library Preparation Department

tel. +48 61 820 3822
tel. +48 61 829 3813

Z-ca Dyrektora Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej
mgr Bożena Świstek-Oborska, kustosz
tel. +48 61 829 3822


Tasks to be fulfilled by the department:

  • Preparation of MARC21 bibliographical records for:
    – new books (Polish and foreign publications, current accessions)
    – retrospective conversion (loans, books in reading rooms, reference libraries)
  • current supervision of bibliographical records and transfer to the National Union Catalogue NUKAT
  • copying of bibliographical records from NUKAT
    cooperation with the National Library Subject Headings Authority Files in Warsaw (creation and modification of subject headings): personal, corporate, title
  • updating online database (headings and bibliographical records)
    supervision of coherence and consistency in the database by processing divergence reports
  • providing training and consultations in cataloguing in MARC21 format

Inventory Section

tel. +4861 829 3812

  • processing of books in the Acquisitions module
  • assigning call numbers and matching them with bar codes
    statistical classes monitoring
  • creation of records for bibliographical records
  • combining call numbers with bar codes
    combining statistical classes with particular collections
  • status appropriation and accession mode appropriation
  • inventory books preparation and subsequent conversion to electronic form financial clearings of library resources
  • processing and clearance of the value of books lost or withdrawn from the collections

mgr Anna Grześkowiak, Head of the section, tel. +48 61 829 3812.

Storing and Stacks Control Department

mgr Elżbieta Bręcz, kustosz
tel. +48 61 829 3815


Stacks Control Section

tel. 61 829 3816, –3859

Tasks to be fulfilled by the section:

  • monitoring conformity of the catalogues to the library book collection consolidation of multi-volume books, serial publications, etc.
  • indication of titles to be supplemented in the collection
  • designation of the presentation copies
  • determining titles for library selection and for binding
  • retrospective conversion of titles after catalogue improvement
  • determining material to be handed over to other libraries such as Coll. Europaeum in Gniezno
  • monitoring the accuracy and clarity of the traditional card catalogue
  • close co-operation with the Catalogue Improvement Section in sharing remarks and notes on losses, gaps and the state of preservation, damages and multiple copies in the PUL book collections,
  • collection management to determine whether some items in the library collection are in need of preservation or conservation activities,
  • comparison of inventory books in view of their accuracy as to the actual state of the collections,
  • preparation of “lost book slips” for missing books,
  • performing checks on recovered books,
  • making registers of library items to be placed in the lost book data base,
  • co-operation with the Acquisition Department in co-ordinating purchases of books requested by library users.

Head: mgr Elżbieta Bręcz, tel. 61 829 3815

Stacks Access Services Section

tel. +48 61 829 3858

Tasks to be fulfilled by the section:

  • processing book orders (to reading rooms and study rooms)
  • reshelving of returned books
  • reshelving and ordering book resources in the stacks
  • technical preparation of resources (printing and glueing call numbers, adding the University Library bookplates)
  • selection of material for binding

mgr Leszek Gałężewski, Section’s Head, tel. +48 61 829 3857

Circulation Department

mgr Krystyna Gozdowska, kustosz
tel. +48 61 829 3847


Tasks to be fulfilled by the department:

Department tasks:

The Department renders services for library users making library materials available either in Library’s reading rooms or as loans

  • services for the libraries in the AMU network – deposits from library resources
  •  managing interlibrary loans
  • managing and maintaining Student Library and reference libraries in reading rooms

Information and Enquiry Desk  (located in the entrance lobby)

tel. +48 61 829 38 72, tel.: +48 519-340-572
Service Ask a Librarian

– provides library users with direction to library materials, advice on library collections and services,
– issues registration cards that allow users to have access to available materials in reading rooms,
– as printing is available from all workstations in the library, monochrome photocopies from the all terminals and workstations located at the Library and the Library’s facilities can be picked up at the Enquiry Desk.

Lending Section

tel. +48 61 829 3851

Tasks to be fulfilled by the section:

– from October 1999 access to the resources of the Library has been facilitated by the introduction of automated lending procedures used by the Circulation Department.

All books from the Student Library are recorded in the main online database available on site and via the online catalogue

the Student Library in the Lending Department has over 82,800 vols. of textbooks, course-books and source texts.

The Library is providing a wide range of services beyond its reading rooms such as remote services. Library users can send online orders for books.

Interlibrary Loans Section

tel. +48 61 829 3852

Libraries offer an interlibrary loan and document delivery service to obtain materials needed for research and private study from libraries across Poland and abroad. Applicants need to have unexpired library card and no outstanding loans or fines on overdue items borrowed from the libraries of the system.

Reading Rooms Section:

tel. +48 61 829 3854


tel. +48 61 829 3854

tel. +48 61 829 3853

Reference libraries in the reading rooms have over 18,000 vols. and about 1,800 titles of current journals and periodicals. The reading rooms can accommodate up to 170 people.

All book collections are registered in the database available for users on site and in the network via the online catalogue.

Research Information and Knowledge Transfer Department

Head of the Department
Deputy Librarian
mgr Małgorzata Rychlik, st. kustosz dypl. (academic librarian)
tel. +4861 829 3801


Organizational tasks (Types of matters handled)

  • Organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, research meetings, festivals, reviews, book launches and ad hoc and commemoration events,
  • Developing and providing institutional repository services (AMUR repository),
  • Providing services on the Ask a Librarian platform services on a regular basis,
  • Providing services related to the provision of information resources at the Library (databases, e-journals, e-books and the institutional repository)
  • Development of the Reference Collection of books on librarianship and the history of the book,
  • Online bookshop (eBUks) and books and other library-related material published by the Library,
  • Regular updating of the web page of the Library, information electronic board and the Library’s Facebook profile,
  • Organization of training sessions and improvement courses as well as in-house training for University staff,
  • Organization of professional placements, traineeships and voluntary work,
  • Collaboration in exhibition preparations at the Library.

Research activity

  • Editorial work on the Library’s annual publication Biblioteka and other publications,
  • Creation of library’s own databases,
  • Research projects and other related programmes.

Editorial and publishing works

  • Planning and coordination of editorial activity at Poznań University Library,
  • Editorial and technical works,
  • Communication with publishers, printing offices, bookshops and receivers of publications promoting the Library’s resources

Marketing activity

  • Preparation of brochures, prospectuses, handouts and other marketing materials,
  • Collaboration and cooperation with mass media,
  • Organization of book launches and targeted book promotion.

Cooperation with libraries outside Poland

  • Cooperation with foreign libraries
  • Coordination of foreign placements of the library staff (traineeships, scholarships, staff exchange, conferences, placements within the framework of the Erasmus programme.
  • Visits of foreign guests to the Library.

Fund raising

  • Subsidies, grants and other financial support
  • Preparation of applications for evaluation

Information services

Educational services / Library training at EDU Centre

Group training

Tel.  +48 61 829 – with prefix

AMU research staff


– 3849
– 3841
– 3866

e-sources of information and citation analyses
PhD students-3849
Bibliographical searches, online catalogue and e-sources.
Library training for AMU first year students



E-learning tel.: -3866
Guests and visitors-3839
Library tours

Special Collections Department

dr hab. Rafał Wójcik, st. kustosz dypl.
tel. +48 61 829-3829

Go to the website of  Special Colletions Deparment

Collection Preservation Department

tel. 61 829 3844
tel. 61 829 3825

mgr Jolanta Noskowiak, kustosz
tel. +48 61 829 3844


Digitization Section

  • microfilm duplication, diazo process,
  • scan extracts from microfilm,
  • scans from original (A4-A1 formats) – in black and white, in colour, in greys
  • CD/DVD recording
  • printout graphic in black and white, in colour (A4, A3 formats),
  • printout from microfilm (A4, A3 formats),
  • printout from original material (A4, A3 formats),
  • OCRed copies, saved in the TIFF and PDF and/or Word format,
  • providing graphical support and graphic visual representations for cultural events organised at the Library (leaflets, hand-bills, invitations, posters, etc.),
  • preparation of bibliographical records in Dublin Core Meta Data format for digital publications,
  • management of the d’Libra digital library software package,
  • creation of subject and thematic collections on the Wielkopolska Digital Library platform.

Book Restoration and Preservation Section

tel. +48 61 829 3868
tel. +48 61 829 3855
tel. +48 61 829 3856 (bookbindery)

Disinfection of books and archival material in disinfecting chambers, contact person: +48 61 829-38-68, mgr K.Kubiś, head of the Book Restoration and Preservation Section.

Tasks and responsibilities:

    • the staff members carry out repairs and restoration of damaged library materials
    • preservation of resources and protection against harmful effects of physical, chemical, biological and mechanical hazards
    • binding of books and volumes of journals
    • providing book accessories for the Library (boxes, folders, etc.)

IT Department

mgr inż. Agata Hintz, st. specjalista w zakresie informatyki
tel.: 61 829 3830


The IT department is responsible for the efficient, proper and accurate operation of the HORIZON library and information system,

Tasks to be fulfilled by the department:

  • troubleshooting and deploying of client software to ensure the effective operation of individual modules at the University Library and faculty libraries,
  • collection of statistical data,
  • participation in works on the development of standards in the operation of academic and research libraries in Poland,
  • co-ordination, purchase and deployment of computer hardware and software at the Library,
  • securing efficient and proper management of workstations for the staff and users of the Library,
  • co-operation with the AMU Infrastructure and IT Projects Management Centre in securing effective and efficient operation of the computer network and library servers,
  •  deploying technological advances that could benefit the organisation and support the regular operation of the Library.


Library Administrative Office

tel. +48 61 829 3840
fax. +48 61 829 3824

Head of the University Library Facility Administration:
mgr inż. Jacek Halicki.
tel. 61 829 – 3861


This office deals with the management and administration of the library system as a whole, including planning, finance, personnel, supplies, renovation and repairs, etc. The office also administers the Librarian’s Office and porterage duties.

Working hours: 

Mon. – Fri.7.00 a.m.-3.00 pm.

Librarian’s Office 
tel.: +48 61 829 – 3820

Working hours:

Mon. – Fri.9.00 am.- 3.30 pm.

Office of the Director
tel.: +48 61 829 – 3840

Working hours:

Mon. – Fri.7.00 am.- 3.00 pm.

Porterage duties
tel.: +48 61 829 3860

tel.: +48 61 829 3864

University Library Archive

tel. +4861 829 3827, room 174

Mon. – Fri.      9.00 am. – 2.00 pm.

mgr Małgorzata Głowacka-Helak – kustosz

Tasks and responsibilities:

Collects and preserves archival material pertaining to the University Library, processes the material and makes it available for users. Was established in 1982 as an independent position directly under the head librarian.

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