AMUReD Research Data Repository

The AMUReD Institutional Research Data Repository of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (UAM) collects and provides access to digital versions of research data collected, processed or produced as part of the scientific research or developmental work of UAM employees.

The AMUReD Repository is part of the AMU Research Portal, with University Library in Poznan as the operating unit.
Access to the AMUReD Repository is possible via the web service at:

  • Depositing data is possible after logging into the AMU Research Portal, according to the attached instructions.
  • The AMUReD repository is open, and research data are made available in three models: open (Open Access), embargo (Embargo) and closed (Restricted Access).
  • The detailed rules of the AMUReD repository are defined in the Regulations.
  • The AMUReD repository complies with the FAIR Principles.
  • Each dataset is given a unique DOI identifier.
  • It is possible to choose a Creative Commons license for shared datasets.
  • AMUReD is registered in

The AMUReD repository operates on the basis of Order No. 4/2023 of the Director of the University Library in Poznan and in accordance with the Policy of open access to scientific publications and research data of employees and doctoral students of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. .


Redakcja repozytorium danych badawczych AMUReD
Maria Kuczkowska, Monika Theus
tel. 61/ 829 38 78 61/ 829 38 78


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

Udział w obiedzie w dniu 09/04/2025*
Rodzaj zgłoszenia*

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