The Scientometrics Centre

The Scientometrics Centre (SC) at University Library in Poznań (ULP) was established in September 2022 and, in close cooperation with the Scholarly Communication Research Group (SCRG), forms a research and competence center of its own and is located at the University Library in Poznań. The essential procedures necessary for the smooth operation and consistency in service of the Centre as the representative of the Library are carried out by the Information and Knowledge Transfer Section.

The establishment of the Scientometrics Centre has been greatly influenced by the belief that there is a common scholarly ground between bibliology (the scientific description of books) and information science (understood here as a description of academic performance within the framework of the sciences on social communication and media), and that it provides a cooperation platform for both units.

The working operations of the Centre primarily focus on scientometric research on publishing trends, citation analysis and statistical tools and techniques adopted in research, as well as guidance and support in relevant matters offered to librarians based in Poznań and all around Poland. In addition, initiatives undertaken by the SRC will also concentrate on technical and substantive support to all possible educational activities in scientometrics.

The Team of the Scientometrics Centre

University Library:

  • Małgorzata Rychlik
  • Maria Kuczkowska
  • Monika Theus
  • Małgorzata Adamczak
  • Natalia Figan
  • Agnieszka Wiktor-Sass

Scholarly Communication Research Group:

  • prof. UAM dr hab. Emanuel Kulczycki
  • dr Krystian Szadkowski
  • Franciszek Krawczyk
  • Sara Rotnicka


Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu – Oddział Informacji i Transferu Wiedzy


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

Udział w obiedzie w dniu 09/04/2025*
Rodzaj zgłoszenia*

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