Rules and regulations


I. General provisions
  1. The libraries, thereafter called “Libraries”, form the Adam Mickiewicz University’s library and information system In the meaning of Article 83, Section 1 of the AMU Statute „bibliotekami” lub „biblioteką”.
  2. The libraries provide access to their collections at the following locations : a. on the premises of libraries in reading rooms; b. through the Interlibrary Loans scheme; c. via the computer network (applicable for electronic resources); d. through document delivery requesting services for readers from outside Poznan and other libraries outside the AMU library and information system; e. subject to provisions of a deposit agreements between the libraries of the library and information system.
  3. Within the meaning of these regulations, the “library card” is understood to mean: a. for students – the Electronic Student ID card (Polish: ELS), for PhD students the Electronic Post-Graduate Student ID card (Polish: ELD) registered in the library computer system; b. for other users – User’s ID Card bearing the logo of the Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries.
  4. Library collections can be accessed using a valid library card or the Visitor’s Card. The library account can be activated as follows: a. at the library – on the basis of the personal ID or valid student/PhD student ID card, or following verification of employment in AMU or the Polish Academy of Science, the Western Institute and the Institute of National Remembrance, after paying entrance fee. The prospective User is required to acknowledge the rules, terms and conditions for using the system and the Information Clause for AMU library users; b. remotely – using the application form provided on the homepage of the library catalogue. All the formalities related to registration and renewal of the library account should be completed in person.
  5. When registering with the library it is necessary to complete and sign the Reader’s Declaration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Subject to the requirements according to Article 83, Section 3, of the Statute of the AMU, the following personal data should be provided in the declaration: surname, name, middle name (if applicable), PESEL number, library card number (ELS), address for correspondence, and e-mail address. To enable the library to send information about request fulfillment, reminders about the impending due date of borrowed materials and electronic reminders, the reader is expected to provide his or her e-mail address. To further facilitate the contact with the library, the user may give their telephone number Furthermore, the reader may give his or her consent to obtain via e-mail organisational information and promotional materials related to training sessions, conferences, and other educational and cultural events, including information of commercial nature as understood in the stipulations of Art. 10, Section 2, of the Act on the Electronic Provision of Services of July 18, 2002.
  6. All personal data are administered by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Contact with Data Protection Officer is provided at the request:
  7. Personal data are processed to make the reader’s access to library collections possible using the common IT system and joint operations within the Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries and resulting from the objectives and obligations imposed on the Administrator stemming from the Act of June 27, 1997 on libraries (Journal of Laws, 2018, item 574, letters t.j.), and the Act of July 20, 2018, – the Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws, 2018, item 1668, as amended). The legal basis for processing personal data is provided by Art. 6, para. 1, item b) and c) of the general regulation on the protection of personal data of 27 April 2016 (UE Official Journal L. 2016,119.1, as amended), in connection with Art. 49 of the Act July 20, 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1668, as amended) and the provisions of the Act of 27 June 1997 on libraries (Journal of Laws, 2018, item 574), and Art. 6, para. 1, item (a) of the general regulations on the protection of personal data of 27 April, 2016 (UE Official Journal 2016.119.1, as amended), if applicable. Access to personal data is strictly limited to authorised Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries employees to the extent necessary to provide services in compliance with the agreement entered into with the Administrator.
  8. Personal data provided by the user will be stored for a period arising from the provisions of law indicated above and necessary to exercise the rights and obligations arising from the services provided to users, but not longer than 6 years from the date of issuing a statement from the library that a user’s account has been closed in a regular procedure and contains no outstanding loans or fines, and, in case of data obtained with the consent of the user , until the consent is withdrawn. Users have the right to demand access their personal data from the Administrator, the right to update or amend their personal data, remove or limit the processing rights, raise objections to processing of data, transfer data and revoke their consent for processing data at any given time. The user has the right to submit a complaint to the relevant supervisory body – President of the Personal Data Protection Office, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193, Warszawa.
  9. Provision of personal data is voluntary yet necessary for the achievement of the purposes for which they have been collected. Failure to submit requested data may prevent further access to services and resources of the library. To ensure the quality of the service and better communication with the library, the user’s phone number can be voluntarily provided by the user. Withdrawal of the consent to provide phone number will not adversely affect access to offered library services and resources.
  10. Libraries can activate library accounts for: a. academic staff members of the University, PhD students and AMU students; b. other individual and institutional users – in accordance with the detailed rules and procedures specified in individual libraries.
  11. Activation of library accounts for institutional users can only be done at the University Library (BUP).
  12. The rights resulting from having a library account are not transferable to third parties.
  13. The library user is obliged to immediately notify in person the library about any changes in the correspondence address, degree course and type of studies, affiliation to faculty or university, and loss of the Student’s Electronic Card or the Reader’s Card. The library, based on the application and relevant documents, updates the data or issues a duplicate card.
  14. The costs of issuing a new card and re-registration, as well as damage resulting from negligence, shall be charged to the account holder.
  15. Detailed rules for making particular types of collections and the use of technical devices and fees charged are made available in libraries.
II. Availability in Reading rooms
  1. All members of the public are entitled to use the collections in the reading rooms based on the unexpired (valid) library card or the Visitor’s Card.
  2. Upon entering the reading room, the valid Electronic Student/PhD student library card should be presented to the librarian on duty, while the valid Reader’s Card or Visitor’s Card should be left with or handed over to the librarian. In the case of the Reader’s Card and Visitor’s Card, a document with a photo confirming the identity shall additionally be presented. Non-library-owned books should be reported to the librarian on duty.
  3. Items from the collections of the libraries are made available to readers in open access or are delivered from the stacks after a prior request order, or via the document delivery service of the Interlibrary Loans.
  4. At the request of the reader, the library reserves works previously requested. Reservation dates are specified by the rules for accessing resources set by individual libraries of the system. Books from reference collections in the reading rooms cannot be reserved. Books from the reference collections cannot be reserved.
  5. Original copies of printed materials microfilmed and digitised are not available for personal inspection in the reading rooms.
  6. Copying/reproducing non-published doctoral dissertations is not allowed.
III. Library lending
  1. The following categories of readers can check library materials out: a. AMU staff members, PhD students, and students ; b. members of the public, on the basis of detailed rules for collections to be made available that are set up by individual libraries.
  2. Certain items cannot be checked out from the libraries, including: a. items from the special collections; b. items from the National Library Resources (Polish: NZB) and the Regional Library Resources (Polish: RZB); c. items from reference collections; d. journals and newspapers; e. non-circulating items; f. original printed copies of microfilmed or digitised works; g. certain dedicated collections due to their date of publication; h. non-published doctoral dissertations.
  3. Requesting library materials should be done electronically online on the library’s catalogue website, via the digitised card catalogue or with a request placed traditionally with a call slip in the card catalogue.
  4. Libraries use computer-based systems to keep a record of books that have been checked out, while the checked-out items are registered exclusively by their bar codes or the RFID label and the library card.
  5. Upon checking out or returning library materials, the user should check the status of their library account and report any comments before leaving the library.
  6.  In justified cases, the library has the right to demand the return of books on loan before the end of the statutory due time, or upon checking out an item, stipulate an earlier due date.
  7. Book loans can be renewed via the online catalogue or on the premises of the library. Users are obliged to present the borrowed item first.
  8. All library users are required to return library materials on time. Users will be held responsible for exceeding the loan period. The libraries charge a fee (fine) for each day of delay.
  9. Readers shall receive e-mail reminders about upcoming due date of return of borrowed library materials.
  10. Full responsibility for the timely return of borrowed materials is assumed by the library user. Non-receipt of reminders does not absolve users of the responsibility to return library materials by their due date or pay fines.
  11. To users who are behind the return date of library materials or with outstanding fines for late return of books, the library shall send electronic or traditional notices and reminders. For sending overdue notices by surface mail, the library user shall be charged according to the list of charges operative in the library and payable at the return of books.
  12. Evasion of the return of overdue works monitored for a period longer than 21 days and outstanding overdue fines may result in suspension of the reader in the rights to use traditional and electronic services, with the possibility of referring the matter to legal proceedings.
  13. Library clearance (a statement from the library that a user’s account has been closed in a regular manner and contains no outstanding loans or fines) from the libraries cooperating within the Poznan Foundation of Scientific Libraries (PFSL), can be obtained on library clearance slips in any library of the system. Clearance certificates are issued to PhD students and students of the institutions of higher education grouped in the PFSL. Electronic clearance slips for AMU students and doctoral students are issued by the libraries of individual AMU organisational units in the USOSweb system.
IV. Out-of-town interlibrary loans
  1. Libraries offer an interlibrary loan and document delivery service to obtain materials needed for research and private study from libraries across Poland and abroad. Applicants need to have unexpired library card and no outstanding loans or fines on overdue items borrowed from the libraries of the AMU library and information system.
  2. Users from Adam Mickiewicz University are required to cover any additional costs of delivering library materials as part of out-of-town interlibrary loans, based on invoices issued by the sending library, or to participate in the costs involved in postal/parcel services in the case of not using the delivered requested material.
  3. Users from outside Adam Mickiewicz University are required to cover the costs of delivery of library materials as part of interlibrary long-distance borrowing in accordance with the University’s Lists of Fees.
  4. Resources from libraries can be made available to other libraries (ordering/requesting library) in the form of non-returnable copies of originals. The ordering library assumes full responsibility for the borrowed materials.
  5. Ordering library is obliged to make borrowed items available only on the premisses of the ordering library.
  6. The borrowing period of the original is determined by the providing/circulating library. In justified cases, the period may be extended at the request of the ordering library.
  7. The ordering library is obliged to return the ordered originals on time by insured or registered mail.
  8. Libraries may provide ordering libraries with printouts of articles from their electronic resources, unless the license agreement states otherwise.
  9. If the provisions of these Regulations are violated, the ordering library temporarily loses the right to use the library collections through interlibrary long-distance lending. The term of losing the rights is defined by the providing library.
V. E-resources (The rules and regulations governing the use of electronic resources and access to web-based content)
  1. Access to licensed electronic resources and web-based content is granted to AMU staff members, PhD students and students that have valid library account and can remotely access the resources. The remaining group of users may have access to the offered electronic resources, in line with license agreements, – on the premisses of the library, at the library.
  2. To sign in the user is required to type in the number of the library card, or ELS/ELD card, and password. The initial password is combined of 2 digits (representing the birth month and 2 digits representing the birth day. The password can be changed in the settings of the library account or in person at the library.
  3. Should you encounter any problems with logging in, contact the library to check if your account is valid/active.
  4.  Users are allowed to: a. make a single copy of an article to an USB thumb drive or external hard drive or make a photocopy of it, only for educational purposes or research; b. create a collection of documents of their own needed for research, including printing or transferring to an electronic device. Such a collection can only be created for a limited period of time when it is needed for educational purposes or research.
  5. Users are not allowed to: a. make electronic and printed copies of articles and periodicals on a mass scale and save them without any specific need of current research, b. redistribute journals or periodicals, as well as their sections, to third parties (unauthorised users) in any form, in exchange for money or free of charge. The only exception is the interlibrary exchange scheme (in printed form only) and the exchange of materials between researchers, if it is not on a regular basis, c. publish and republish any number of sections from articles in their original or altered form without citing the source or with the infringement of their copyrights, d. make access to the electronic resources to third parties (unauthorised users) available by IP authorisation or by disclosing the login and password data (with remote access), e. make use of the licensed electronic of resources for commercial purposes (other than research-related) by AMU staff members and students.
  6. The actual use of electronic resources of the AMU library and information system means accepting the rules and regulations set out in item 5.
VI. Library deposits
  1. As part of the library and information system, in justified cases, it is possible to lend particular continuous or serial publications to other libraries that form the AMU’s library and information system, in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in deposit agreements between libraries.
VII. Obligations and responsibilities of the User . Code of Conduct.
  1. Library users are required to comply with all applicable laws, policies, and rules set forth in these Regulations as well as the principles set out therein, in particular with respect to books on loan and library property.
  2. Failure to comply with the regulations as well as taking items from the collections outside of their premisses without necessary formalities, is strictly prohibited and may result in suspension of the user in the rights to use traditional and electronic library service, and may result in a request to the court for sanctions.
  3. Users of reading rooms are requested to leave their outer clothing, umbrellas, briefcases and larger bags in the locker room. The library assistant on duty has the right to refuse admission to the reading room to those, who do not comply with the above mentioned rules. If you bring a bag to the reading room, the librarian on duty may ask to show its contents before leaving the reading room. a. To store personal items, libraries may provide lockers. The the lockers must be emptied by the user by the closing time of the library. If the locker is occupied after closing the library, in order to maintain the safety of the facility, the library reserves the right to open the locker and charge the user for the lock replacement, in the amount consistent with the current list of fees in a given library. The contents of te locker will be deposited with the library manager. The person collecting the items must accurately describe them and confirm their receipt in the locker opening report.
  4. In the reading rooms and the catalogue room users must not create excessive noise, consume food, smoke or vape. Before entering reading rooms and the catalogue room, mobile phones should be put in the mute mode.
  5. The User bears full financial responsibility for the loss of the items on loan and for any damage found on their return.
  6. In the event of a damage to a book or loss incident, library policies in regard to lost, damaged or overdue materials apply. The user, after the consultation with the library manager of a respective library (head of the the library’s circulation department) is required to provide an identical copy of the damaged book or a bound double-sided photocopied copy of the lost item (with the original format preserved), or, should the need arise, provide the library with some other valuable appropriate titles that are in line with the acquisition policy of the Library.
  7. The costs of a reproduction of a lost or damaged item by the Library Digisation Unit are listed in the Library’s fee list.
  8. When assessing material losses resulting from the loss or destruction of library material, the market price is taken into account with additional regard to the rarity of the work. By settling liabilities towards the library, the reader does not acquire ownership of the damaged or lost object.
  9. Detailed rules for making library materials available in individual libraries and current messages are to be announced to users.
  10. The terms and conditions for library resources to be made available for commercial purposes are determined each time individually by the director of the University Library or the head of the faculty library in consultation with the dean or head of the relevant superior unit.
  11. Comments and conclusions regarding the operation of libraries can be submitted directly, by standard post or e-mail, to the person managing a given unit.


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

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