On-line services

Szkolenia z zakresu elektronicznych źródeł informacji
Zapytaj bibliotekarza
Zaproponuj zakup książki

Ask a librarian

If you have any questions concerning the University Library’s services, please complete the form below and submit. A reply to your question will be sent by an e-mail.

Check FAQ

Signing up through our Catalogue

Poznań University Library provides an online registration with the library.

To get a temporary library card number, giving you instant access to a library account, through our Online Registration process, click “Sing in or register” in the top right corner.

Non-refundable 12 zloty registration fee for setting up a library account can be paid electronically (via banking card or e-payment systems) from the pre-enrolment form (to use this option go to: Reader’s Account and then select Review [Przegląd] or Library Announcements [Komunikaty]) or at any library of the AMU library system as cards may also be issued during your first visit to the library.

Zapisy online

Recommend a book

Acquisition and Collection Development Department
Purchase Section
mgr Radosław Franckiewicz
Zaproponuj zakup książki

Training courses in e-resources

Check types of training courses – Go to Form and proceed accordingly

Szkolenia z zakresu elektronicznych źródeł informacji

Bibliographic search/listing, digitisation

Document Delivery photocopy requests. Ordered materials are sent via standard post cash on delivery service.

Please note that we charge for this. See the service price list + postage. 

More on subscribed and open access electronic sources

Research Information and Knowledge Transfer Department
tel.: 61 829 3849

Interlibrary loans

tel. 61 829 3852

Searching materials in catalogues of Polish and foreign libraries.

This service enables to search materials in catalogues of Polish and foreign libraries which are unavailable either in the University Library or in other Poznań libraries.
Check catalogues helpful in interlibrary loan: in Poland ,  Foreign

Interlibrary loans
tel. 61 829 3852

Bibliographic data verification

This service enables to verify bibliographic data of papers and articles (e.g. missing pages of articles, authors, titles of articles and periodicals; title, author and year of publication).

Research Information and Knowledge Transfer Department
tel. 61 829 3849

Making bibliographic queries.

This service is available only for the AMU academic staff.

Research Information and Knowledge Transfer Department
tel.: 61 829-38-49

Information about e-resources in the UAM subscriptions and Open Access

Informatorium, p.140
tel. 61 829 38 17
tel. 61 829 38 66


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

Udział w obiedzie w dniu 09/04/2025*
Rodzaj zgłoszenia*

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