We wish our readers a Merry Christmas and good luck in the New Year.
In the upcoming Christmas and New Year period, the University Library in Poznań will work according to the following schedule:
Reading Rooms, Lending Library | Special Collections and Local Studies Reading Room | |
23/12/2024 (Monday) | 10.00-17.00 | 10.00-17.00 |
24-26/12/2024 (Christmas Eve) | closed | closed |
27/12/2024 (Friday) | 10.00-17.00 | 10.00-17.00 |
28-29/12/2024 (Saturday-Sunday) | closed | closed |
30/12/2024 (Tuesday) | 10.00-17.00 | 10.00-17.00 |
31/12/20224 (New Year’s Eve) | 10.00-15.00 | 10.00-15.00 |
01/01/2025 (New Year’s) | closed | closed |
2-03/01/2025 (Thursday-Friday) | 9.00-20.00 | 10.00-18.00 |
04/01/2025 (Saturday) | 10.00-17.00 | 10.00-17.00 |
5-06/01/2025 (Sunday-Three Kings Day) | closed | closed |
61-816 Poznań, access from the gate passage at 40 Ratajczaka St.
tel. 4861 829 38 51
e-mail: wypoz.bu@amu.edu.pl
Mon.- Fri. 9.00 am. – 8.00 pm.
Sut. 10.00 am. – 5.00 pm.
Sun. closed
Books from the stacks are delivered to the reading rooms specified by you in your request.
Days and hours
Monday – Friday from 10.00 am. to 5.00 pm.
Saturday closed
Ordering books and advance booking
Please be informed that the University Library offers a new service to help its users order and reserve required material via electronic service. You can start ordering or reserving items straightaway from the online catalogue (WebPAC) – available only for the items marked with the button “Order” and “Reserve”.
In order to submit a valid order or reservation it is important to mark appropriate location for collecting books matching the location of the item. Failure to indicate the right location for collecting the reserved item will result in your order being cancelled.
Books from the library of the Institute of History can be borrowed for specified short loan periods only by research workers of the University and students of the Institute. Other users have access to the resources of the library in the reading room.
Within the interlibrary loans scheme, libraries from outside Poznań can place orders for books from the stacks of the University Library only for those items which have the button “Order” activated.
Dear Library User,
Please keep in mind that you are solely responsible for keeping track of library due dates. However, as a courtesy, the Library will now email you a remainder notice with the due date information thanks to a new version of the system application of electronic reminder and overdue notices launched by the Library. A reminder notice will be issued to inform users about the date due. When a publication has not been returned by the default due date, an overdue notice will sent to the patron.
Electronic reminder notices will be issued seven (7) and three (3) days before items are due, whereas overdue notices are generated by the system and sent to delinquent patrons on the 7th, 14th and 21st day following the due date. Students and library patrons who fail to return materials after the third and the last overdue notice will lose their borrowing privileges and all library services available for them may be blocked.
The overdue notices service is free of charge. To update mailing address information you will need to go to ”Reader’s Account” in the online catalogue.
Books requests can be ordered online using your own library account. Sign in to your account online and make a request for an item or see when your items are due in the on-line catalogue (WebPAC) – click on the button “Order a book” or “Reserve a book”.
Books from the stacks are delivered to the reading rooms or the Check-Out Desk as specified by you in your request. The selection of a wrong pick-up location once the hold is placed may cause your request to be cancelled.
Books from the faculty library of the Institute of History Institute can be checked out by research staff and students of the Institute and other institutes of the AMU Faculty of History.
Non-members of the Faculty can use the materials from the collection of this library exclusively on the premises of the library.
Inter-library loans for libraries outside Poznań can be requested only for the books from the stacks and only when the button ”Order a book” can be activated.
Electronic reminders are sent 7 and 3 days before the due date, whereas reminders on overdue library items are sent 7, 14 and 21 days after the due date. The third, ultimate reminder on overdue library item will concurrently deactivate the user’s account until the outstanding fine is paid.
Reminders on overdue books are sent free of charge. Should the need arise, you can update your e-mail address on the User’s Account in the on-line catalogue.
Overdue fines can be paid either online or at the library (Check-Out counter in the Circulation Department).
To check your account and pay a fine via electronic banking, by a credit card or a bank money transfer, go to your online library account in the on-line catalogue, choose: “Check and pay fines” button and follow the instructions.
The Student Library collection amounts to over 80,000 volumes of multiple copies of prescribed textbooks and other academic reading materials as well as a wide range of selected number of recommended reading textbooks and audiobooks in open access for AMU students and the general public.
Who is eligible to borrow books from the library?
- Research and academic workers, PhD students, and students of AMU who are currently enrolled,
- Research and academic workers, postgraduate students and students of other state universities in Poznań that are members of the Poznań Foundation of Research Libraries (PFRL),
- Research workers of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Western Institute and the Institute of National Remembrance,
- Retired research workers of the above universities and institutions,
- AMU librarians and AMU non-academic staff, including retired AMU staff members,
- Librarians of Poznań-based libraries,
- Members of the general public (overnight deposit-based loans).
To use the library and to better locate relevant resources, please familiarise with terms and conditions under which this service is offered. Readers wishing to enrol with the library will need to come to the library to complete an enrolment form and should bring a valid form of identification with them (personal ID, student ID card, PhD ID, or any other identification card). Students and research workers of state-sponsored institutions of higher education affiliated with the PRFL are required to present a valid library card of their home institutions. Before entering the library users are kindly requested to leave their coats in the cloakroom. Please leave your outer garments and bags in the lockers provided. Show your identification card to library staff or leave your reader’s card with the library attendant.
All books from the collection of the Student Library are listed in the library’s online catalogue. The books are grouped into 14 sections. Each discipline is represented by its core literature and is marked with stickers of different colour indicating the study area. All publications are open stack materials and should not be requested electronically. Books are kept on open shelves, which means that you can go and collect the items that you would like to borrow or browse the shelves to see other related material yourself. Books are placed on the shelves alphabetically according to the name of the author or the first word in the title (for collective works with multiple authors). Alphabetical listings of books are provided. Some of the publications have horizontal silver stickers to distinguish them from other materials. This means that they are represented in just one copy and are not for circulation. These publications cannot be checked out on a regular basis and are available on the premises only. Alternatively, they can be taken on loan overnight (following the terms and conditions of the overnight loans scheme).
Before you leave the library, any loans must be registered at the circulation desk. In keeping with the regulations, the user is obliged to check the current state of his or her library account to ensure that the records have been updated. Should there are any discrepancies found, please report the fact to the attendant on duty. AMU students and students of other state universities grouped in the PFRL are entitled to have their loans from the Student Library for 90 days initially with a possibility to extend the return date twice (for 30 days each time). The remaining users can have their books on loan for the period of 30 days.
Circulating books from the stacks can be ordered electronically through the on-line catalogue. Upon requesting library materials, you may choose the pick-up location of your choice from the drop-down menu and set the pick-up location as Circulation Desk. Items available for pickup will be at the requested service desk and you will be notified about the fact by the “Ready for pickup” message sent via e-mail. When requesting a book through the Library Catalogue, the default pick-up location is “Library Circulation Desk”.
If you wish to view and renew items currently checked out on your library card, view your holds, check their status, cancel or suspend them, go to your library account available at the University Library’s web-page (lib.amu.edu.pl), (”My Account” tab). All book loans can be extended remotely one week before date due. You can prolong the loan of a book twice (each time for 30 days), provided it has not been reserved by another reader.
Overdue recalled books incur a fine of 0.30 zł/day per item. Books can be checked out again only after the fine has been cleared from your account. Fines can be paid online or in person at the circulation desk. To pay online, go to your account and click on the Pay link in the menu at the top.
If you are in any doubts about how to get started or should you encounter any problems with loans or have any enquiries regarding the library, please contact us by phone or e-mail. Our team of experienced librarians can offer a wide range of advice and are there to assist you when you have questions or run into problems. We hope you enjoy visiting and using our library!