
Access to licensed electronic resources »

When first logging into the system, please type in the required data: the number of the Library Cardand the PIN number. The PIN number (4 digits) is the following format: your date of birth – MMDD (for example 1130 for somebody born on Nov. 30) . It is recommended to change your PIN number to one of your own (again a four-digit number). To do it, go to “User’s Data”. To log in, foreigners working or studying at AMU have to give the following data: the number of the library card and the PIN number.

Use your library account and create personal folder MyEBSCOhost in the multisearch custom control  

The prerequisite to the use of the website’s personalised services in the multisearch engine is prior registration with the library and your own personalised MyEBSCOhost folder. At the time of registration, the User must use:

For users accessing content from outside the UAM IP range (off-campus), the MyEBSCOhost account in the searching engine can be created using an access management service  and following any given  search for a publication from the AMU subscription list and logging into the indicated e-content with your library card number and the PIN number. There is a tab in the top right corner called “Log into My EBSCOhost and Folder”, where you can activate the service.

A growing collection of databases with a number of subscribed and gift electronic journal databases covering all the subjects areas covered at the University are made available to the Library users. All registered members of the University Library are required to abide by

“The rules and regulations governing the use of electronic resources and access to web-based content”. 

Access to the licensed electronic resources is granted only to students and the University academic staff and researchers that have a valid electronic Library Card.

When first logging into the system, please type in the required data: the number of the Library Card and the PIN number. The PIN number (4 digits) is the following format:  your date of birth – MMDD (for example 1130 for somebody born on Nov. 30) . It is recommended to change your PIN number to one of your own (again a four-digit number). To do it, go to “User’s Data”. To log in, foreigners working or studying at AMU have to give the following data: the number of the library card and the PIN number.

Should you encounter any problems with logging in, please check:

  • if your library card is valid  – if not, in order to renew it, go to the Circulation Department to validate it
  • if the PIN number recorded in the Circulation Department is still valid.

Users are allowed to:

  • make a single copy of an article to an USB thumb drive or external hard drive, or make a photocopy of it, only for educational purposes or for research,
  • create a collection of your own of documents needed for research, including their printing or transferring to an electronic device. Such a collection can only be created for a limited time when it is needed for educational purposes or research.

Users are not allowed to:

  • make electronic and printed copies of articles and periodicals on a mass scale and to save them without any specific need of research,
  • redistribute journals and periodicals, as well as their sections, to third parties in any form, in exchange for money or free of charge. The only exception is the inter-library exchange scheme (only in photocopies or sent by fax) and the exchange of materials between research workers, if it is not on a regular basis,
  • publish any number of sections from articles and republish them in their original or altered form without citing the source or with the infringement of their copyrights,
  • make access to the AMU electronic resources available to third parties by IP authorisation or by disclosing the log in and the password data (with remote access),
  • make use of the Library’s licensed electronic resources for commercial purposes (other than research-related).

Problems with logging in and technical problems:
Michał Kordek
tel. 61 829 3805
e-mail: kordekm@amu.edu.pl

Opinions and inquiries on e-books 
Michał Pijewski,
tel. 61 829 3805
e-mail: pijewski@amu.edu.pl


EBSCO eBook Academic Subscription Collection

This growing subscription package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter, and is a strong complement for any academic collection. The breadth of information available through this package ensures that users will have access to information relevant to their research needs. There are nearly 120,000 eBooks in this package, including titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, MIT Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier Ltd.; Brill Academic Publishers; Taylor & Francis Ltd; Sage Publications, Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Subject coverage includes: Art, Business & Economics, Education, Language, Arts & Discipline, Literary Criticism, Medical, Performing Arts, Philosophy, Poetry, Political Science, Religion, Social Science, Technology & Engineering And other academic fields.

How to make use of e-books: here
Download e-books offline: here 

Wiley Online Library LINGUISTICS!

Over 80 book titles from various branches of linguistics. The collection includes both reference literature and monographs. Items available to students and AMU staff are marked with an open padlock symbol.

Virtual reading room of PWN Scientific Publishing House

The current UAM agreement includes access to publications selected on the basis of statistics of use from previous years, in the fields of humanities, law, economics, social sciences, mathematics, natural sciences and computer science. 5 people can read each book at the same time. To use you need to have Javascript and "cookies" enabled in your web browser, as well as Adobe Flash Player version 8 or higher.


eBook Subscription Harvard Business Review Press Collection - dostęp do 31.05

Dostęp do pełnego katalogu książek elektronicznych wydawnictwa Harvard Business Review Press. Zawartość kolekcji to ponad 600 e-Booków, pośród których czytelnicy znajdą ponad 400 monografii, nowo wydane e-booki, prace seminaryjne i ponad 150 kompilacji artykułów z serii HBR Classics. Kolekcja eBooków Harvard Business Review Press zapewnia dostęp do pozycji z zakresu takich tematów, jak komunikacja biznesowa, rozwój kariery, podejmowanie decyzji i rozwiązywanie problemów, ekonomia, przedsiębiorczość, finanse, zasoby ludzkie i zarządzanie personelem, przywództwo i zarządzanie, marketing, zachowania organizacyjne, sukces osobisty, rozwój umiejętności, planowanie strategiczne. Dostęp testowy kończy się 31 maja 2020.

e-Booki na platformie GeoScienceWorld - dostęp do 30.06

Otwarte są publikacje wydawców: American Association of Petroleum, Geologists, Canadian Science Publishing, Clay Minerals Society Geological Society of America, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, PSAAPG, SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, Society of Economic Geologists, University of Wyoming. Dostęp testowy kończy się 30 czerwca 2020.


EBSCO eBook Academic Subscription Collection

EBSCO eBook Academic Subscription Collection to wielodziedzinowa kolekcja ponad 130 tysięcy książek elektronicznych, zawierająca pozycje z katalogów ponad 500 wiodących wydawnictw naukowych m. in.: Elsevier, Springer, Brill Academic Publishers, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Taylor & Francis, John Wiley&Sons, ASM International, EDP Sciences, Emerald, Institution of Engineering & Technology, IOS Press, Sage, jak również wydawnictw uniwersyteckich, w tym MIT Press, Princeton University Press, University of California Press i wielu innych. Książki są dostępne nie tylko w języku angielskim, ale i w 20 innych językach, m.in. niemieckim, francuskim, hiszpańskim, rosyjskim. Bieżąca subskrypcja UAM kończy się 31 grudnia 2020.

Korzystanie z książek online: TUTAJ 
Pobieranie książek do użytku offline: TUTAJ

Wiley Online Library LINGUISTICS!

Ponad 80 tytułów książek z różnych gałęzi językoznawstwa. Zbiór obejmuje zarówno literaturę o charakterze podręcznym, jak i monografie. Pozycje dostępne dla studentów i pracowników UAM oznaczone są symbolem otwartej kłódki.

Wirtualna czytelnia online Wydawnictwa Naukowego PWN

Aktualna umowa UAM obejmuje dostęp do publikacji wyselekcjonowanych na podstawie statystyk wykorzystania z lat ubiegłych, z zakresu humanistyki, prawa, ekonomii, nauk społecznych, matematyczno-przyrodniczych i informatyki. Każdą książkę może czytać jednocześnie 5 osób. Aby korzystać należy w przeglądarce internetowej mieć włączoną obsługę Javascript oraz "cookies", a także zainstalowaną wtyczkę Adobe Flash Player w wersji 8 lub wyższej.

Earth and Planetary Science

Earth and Planetary Science (Elsevier), Physics and Astronomy (Springer), Environmental Science (Elsevier) - three collections of electronic literature covering the vast area of disciplines often intersecting in physics, astronomy, earth sciences and the environment. In total, over 1,000 book titles published in 1995-2010.

Springer: Mathematics

Over 1000 book titles from various sub-disciplines of mathematics and statistics. The collection includes literature published in 2005-2010.

Behavioral Science

The Psychology (Elsevier) and Behavioral Science (Springer) collections are over 250 books published in 1995-2010.

Biochemia, genetyka, biologia molekularna

Includes nearly 200 literature titles published in 1995-2010.

Springer: Humanities, Social Sciences, Law

A rich, with over 800 titles, collection of the latest (books published in 2005-2008) literature in the field of humanities, social sciences and law.

Springer: Chemistry

Chemical literature of the Springer publishing house - one of the leading in the STM category (Science, Technology, Medicine). The "Chemistry and Material Science" collection is growing by about 150 new titles per year - AMU employees and students have access to books published in 2005-2010.

Oxford Scholarship Online

Access a library of over 16,000 outstanding academic books from Oxford University Press.  Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) is a vast and rapidly-expanding library, providing easy access to thousands of books across the world-renowned scholarly list of Oxford University Press (OUP). Spanning subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law, OSO is an essential research resource for student, scholar, and academic alike, no matter what your subject specialty.

Oxford English Dictionary Online

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words— past and present—from across the English-speaking world.

An essential electronic reference for all scholars of Old and Middle English: https://www.doe.utoronto.ca/pages/pub/web-corpus.html


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

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