One-off training sessions

Mendeley bibliographic reference manager on-line

Workshops for researchers, PhD students at AMU

Dates: Winter Term, Summer Term

Venue: computer room at Poznan University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2-4 hours

Tel. 61 829 3849

The course aims to acquire skills in the automated collection and management of bibliographies in Mendeley program and to create footnotes in any bibliographic style in MS Word through the plug-ins of these programs.

ENDNOTE WEB bibliographic reference manager on Web of Science platform

Workshops for researchers, PhD students at AMU

Dates: Winter Term, Summer Term

Venue: computer room at Poznan University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2-4 hours

Tel. 61 829 3849

The course aims to acquire skills in the automated collection and management of bibliographies in ENDNOTE Web program and to create footnotes in any bibliographic style in MS Word through the plug-ins of these programs.

Scholarly Publications Searching Engine – Electronic research resources AMU

Workshops for researchers, PhD students at AMU

Dates: Winter Term, Summer Term

Venue: computer room at Poznan University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2-4 hours

Tel. 61 829 3849

The subject aims to provide the necessary skills in creating effective strategies for searching research resources, develop information competence  in analysis, resource assessment and efficient management.

Archiving works in the AMUR repository

Workshops for researchers, PhD students at AMU

Dates: Winter Term, Summer Term

Venue: computer room at Poznan University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2-4 hours

Tel. 61 829 3849

Archiwizowanie prac krok po kroku (zakładanie konta, logowanie, wybór kolekcji, przygotowanie pliku). Aspekty prawne umieszczania prac w repozytorium. Efekty upowszechniania dorobku naukowego poprzez repozytorium instytucjonalne.

How to grow the Citations of scientific publication?

Presentation and workshops for researchers at AMU

Dates: Winter Term, Summer Term

Venue: computer room at Poznan Univ or University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2-4 hours

One-off training sessions aims to provide the necessary skills in creating effective strategies for searching research resources, develop information competence  in analysis, resource assessment and efficient management of bibliographic references using reference managing software. The course also provides basic legal information on copyright issues, plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Participants will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with new models in scholarly communication, open dissemination of research output and effective use of existing and emerging bibliometric, communication and reference managing  tools that can aid in assessment of academic productivity, including readiness for promotions and co-operation.

Searching the Evidence in Web of Science

Presentation and workshops for researchers at AMU

Dates: Winter Term, Summer Term

Venue: computer room at Poznan Univ or University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2-4 hours

he course aims to present the process of searching publications in Web of Science and Scopus databases as well as searching for bibliometric indicators used to evaluate the researcher’s publications and achievements, creating a ResearcherID profile and ORCID identifier.


This session is targeted to international students.

Terms: Winter and Summer Semesters

Venue: computer room at Poznan University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2 hours

Tel. 61 829 3866

Sign up

A How – to workshop related to making best and effective use of the capabilities, tools and resources available at the Library and remotely. (Just in case you still need to know how to make use of electronic resources, and their remote access, provided by the Library).

This session is targeted to international students.


Workshops for BA students (third year and SUM first year, AMU)

Dates: Winter Term, Summer Term

Venue: computer room at Poznan University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2 hours

The classes are intended to provide students with basic information on the available resources, tools and services offered by the University Library. The classes will aim at developing essential knowledge of documents as well as skills and competences necessary for successful use of the resources. These include: effective and efficient strategies for information extraction, publication selection, processing of gathered data using available reference managers, and in-text citations in theses (BA and MA) in line with the applicable copyright rules.


Offer for all interested persons

Dates: Winter Term, Summer Term

Venue: reading room at Poznan University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2 hours

Program: presentation of issues regarding footnotes and attachment bibliography, explanation of the term bibliographic footnotes, types of footnotes, explanation of the term attachment bibliography, basic rules for creating footnotes and attachment bibliography, rules for creating bibliographic description of compact items, rules for creating bibliographic description of newspapers and magazines, rules for creating bibliographic description legal acts, patents and standards, rules for creating a bibliographic description of an electronic document, rules for creating a bibliographic description of iconography, maps, plans, music recordings, notes, films.

Training session information literacy

Offer for all interested persons

Dates: Winter Term, Summer Term

Venue: computer room at Poznan Univ or University Library (Room 62)

Number of hours: 2-4 hours

The classes are intended to provide students with basic information on the available resources, tools and services offered by the University Library. The classes will aim at developing essential knowledge of documents as well as skills and competences necessary for successful use of the resources. These include: effective and efficient strategies for information extraction, publication selection, processing of gathered data using available reference managers and National Bibliography of Poland.

Reference Collection of books on librarianship and the history of the book

Offer for all interested persons working at libraries

Venue:: Reference Collection of books on librarianship and the history of the book

Number of hours: 2-4 hours

Tel. 61 829 3842

The classes will aim at get necessary literature on the subject related to library science and scientific information necessary in the educational process.


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

Udział w obiedzie w dniu 09/04/2025*
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