Annual Journal “Biblioteka”

Annual Journal “Biblioteka”

ISSN 1506-3615

The annual publication “Biblioteka” is a research periodical published by Poznan University Library. The title aims to create a dialogue and connections between the contemporary librarianship, its concepts and ideas confronted with information technology, and its history and traditions. The wide range of subjects includes issues related to the history of books, libraries and their collections, current librarianship, bibliology, research information and documentation and media studies.

From 2004 “Biblioteka” has been a peer-reviewed journal. The overriding policy of the journal is to publish at least 50 per cent  of articles that are authored by  researchers from outside of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.

The regular sections of the periodical include: Articles, Miscellanea, Translations and Reviews. The sections Articles, Miscellanea and Translations are provided with abstracts in English. Tables of Contents of each of the volumes are also provided in English. Articles and texts are illustrated with materials chosen by authors.

This title has been published since 1997. The present edition of the periodical is a continuation of the journal with the same title published between 1960-1970 and included as part of the serial publication entitled Prace naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza (online archive of full-text articles from the series is available in the Wielkopolska Digital Library). To mark this particular continuation, the new annual publication, different in both form and expanded  programme policy, has a double numbering of volumes. Volume One has been given the number 1, while the continuity of the title is expressed in a successive number that refers to the  total number in the series (given in parenthesis).

The print version of the title is the original version of the journal.

The electronic version of the journal “Biblioteka” is published in  PRESSto., the AMU journal platform.

Individual volumes of “Biblioteka” from No. 1(10)1997 to No. 10(19)2006, are available online in full version on the Wielkoplska Digital Library platform. The content of successive volumes is available in the database Muzeum Historii Polski BazHum and Directory of Open Access Journals, and from 2007 the contents of successive  current volumes are available  in the institutional repository AMUR.

This annual publication has been indexed in IC Journals Master List and ERIH PLUS.

From the inception of publishing of the new edition of “Biblioteka”, i.e. from 1997 to 2019, the Editor-in-Chief was Dr. hab. Artur Jazdon, while Dr. Aldona Chachlikowska was the secretary of the editorial board.

From 2020 the new Editor-in-Chief has been Dr. Małgorzata Dąbrowicz, while mgr Justyna Łopaczyk has been the new secretary of the editorial board.

More on the publication:

Aldona Chachlikowska, Artur Jazdon, Biblioteka – rocznik Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu – tradycja i współczesność. In: czasopisma naukowe bibliotek, archiwów, muzeów. Tradycje – role – perspektywy. Ed. Agnieszka Królczyk, Biblioteka Kórnicka Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Kórnik 2010, p. 11-19.

„Biblioteka”    ISSN 1506-3615
„Biblioteka” e-ISSN 2391-5838

The editorial board can be contacted at the following address:

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu
ul. Ratajczaka 38/40
61-816 Poznań


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

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