Local Studies Library Resources

Library summer opening hours from 6 July to 15 September, 2024

Please note, from 6 July to 15 September our opening hours will be as follows:

The Library Service Desk (borrowing services) and the reading rooms at the University Library in Poznań will be open 10.00 am. – 5.00 pm. on weekdays from Monday to Friday. The Library will be closed on Saturdays.

The Inter-library Loan Service will be open on Mondays between 9.00 am. and 4.00 pm. and from Tuesday until Friday between 9.00 am. and 3 pm. Inter-library loan services will not be available in August.

Have a great summer! 

Special Collections Department

Room 153;  tel. 61 829 38 69

Monday, Tuesday

9.00 am.- 2.00 pm.


9.00 am.-6.00 pm.

Thursday, Friday

9.00 am.-2.00 pm.


dr Alina Kucharska

dr Mateusz Napiórkowski


The study room was established as a special unit of the Special Collections Department on 02.01.2019.
The unit was set up to document and research all books and serials that originated in the Wielkopolska region, or were published within the historical boundaries of the region, until 1953. Its assignments and tasks have been outlined in the general acquisition policy of the Library and the guidelines for the library collections acquired by the Library by the time indicated.

Local Studies Library Resources (RZB) includes books and serials as well as documents of social life published regionally, or within the historical boundaries of Greater Poland, until 1953 inclusive and a number of selected other library collections that originated in the region. The decision to separate the collections form the general library holdings was imposed by the need of their special care and particular requirements for their sharing resulting from the deposit copy obligations of the Library to collect all publications published in the region for a documentation of the region’s academic, literary and artistic output.

Materials marked with the RZB sign are kept in special separate stack room and can be accessed only in the Special Collections and Local Studies Reading Room

Main tasks of the unit:

  • Documenting the publishing output of the region in a special database that is composed of three sub-databases registering separately three different periods: 1801 – 1918, 1919 -1939 and 1945 – 1953; books and serials; evaluation of the resources available in the Library in terms of their suitability to be included into the regional library materials batch for their further acquisition, processing, well-balanced acquisition policy, preservation and digitisation.
  • Close co-operation with other units of the Special Collections Department and with the Acquisition Department in acquiring materials complementing the local studies library
  • Processing and documenting the library collections that originated in the region and are now in the Library’s holdings (e.g. archives and manorial collections)
  • Creating resources suitable for research into the history of the publishing movement in Greater Poland (historians, press experts, literary scholars, researchers in book studies, editing and the art of the book, etc.)
  • Conducting research, documentary and information activities on the relevant resources, co-operation with institutions  and individual researchers and scholars working with the resources on issues concerning the history of the publishing movement, printing, libraries or  cultural history in general
  • Co-operation with other libraries in the region that possess relevant material with the aim to develop a coherent and sustainable acquisition, digitisation,  documentation and dissemination policy
  • Co-operation with the University’s faculties in providing additional educational events for students (lectures, presentations, training sessions) and in assisting research activities


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

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