Library fees and fines

Prince of services at Poznań University Library (from July 8, 2018)

I. Library fees and fines

Type of service / fees

Pre-tax price

Registered students and academic staff of non state-owned universities and non Poznań-based universities

12,00 zł

Visitors from outside Poznań academic community – Visitor’s Card for admittance (issued once every 6 months)

no fee

Issuing a duplicate library card

12,00 zł

Deposit-based lendig scheme

minimum deposit–50 zł

Fine for delay in return of book (one day/each item)

0,30 zł

Fine for delay in return of book lending at The “From dusk to dawn” service (one hour – /each item)

5,00 zł

Dunning charge – reminder letter

3,00 zł

Lost book fines are applied to your account when a book is lost or damaged

fines are determined by the lending institution according to the rules defined in the Rules and Regulations for the AMU libraries

Lost clothes locker key fines. A user losing a key is liable for any damage related to this loss  to offset the cost of changing locks (lock type expenses apply)

200,00 zł

Lost cloak-room token fines

20,00 zł


Type of service

Pre-tax price

Bibliographic search/listing, preparing to digitalisation for users outside AMU, etc.

1 hour

50 zł

Training for users outside UAM

1 hour

100 zł

Lectures for users outside AMU (max. 60 pers.)

1 hour

150 zł

Type of service

Pre-tax price

Laser printer printouts

1 copy

0,30 zł

Printout graphic in black and white

A4 format

1 copy

0,30 zł

A3 format

1 copy

0,60 zł

Printout graphic in colour

A4 format

1 copy

1,00 zł

A3 format

1 copy

2,00 zł

Printout from original material (publ. after 1946)

A4 format

1 copy

0,30 zł

A3 format

1 copy

0,60 zł

Photocopying of books to replace a lost copy (no binding)



1 page

0,50 zł

Type of service

Pre-tax price

Microfilm duplication, diazo process

1 frame

0,60 zł

Scan extracts from microfilm

1 frame

0,90 zł

Scans from original – resolution up to 300 dpi*


A1 format

1 frame

10,00 zł

A2 format

1 frame

8,00 zł

format A3

1 frame

2,00 zł

format ≤ A4

1 frame

1,00 zł

Scans from original – resolution up 600 dpi*

A1 format

1 frame

20,00 zł

A2 format

1 frame

16,00 zł

A3 format

1 frame

4,00 zł

format ≤ A4

1 frame

2,00 zł


The Library’s charge for digital images in the TIFF format of files from the collections of the Wielkopolska Digital Library (WBC)*

1 copy

1,00 zł

Scanned page of an article (electronic ordering)

300 dpi

0,60 zł

OCRed copies, saved in the TIFF and PDF and/or Word format**

1 copy not standard

1,10 zł

1 copy not standard

1,50 zł

Delivery charges for direct Standard mail of photocopies or data storage devices with digital content 


– check current delivery quotes (Poczta Polska)

* for PhD students and research workers of AMU with valid library account – 25%  discount applies.

** Conversion of traditional library materials into digital formats using the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software, saved in the TIFF and PDF and/or Word, is available exclusively for AMU research workers

Standard page: published works and computer print-outs (major font types).
Non-standard page: typescripts and damaged and barely legible documents. Data in tabular and graphical forms (graphs, tables) as well as texts in non-standard font types (Gothic script and decorative type fonts) will not be OCR-ed.
The Library reserves the right to withdraw from actions related to text correction in the case of very difficult materials, i.e. at least with half of the pages recognized at less than 50% in relation to the whole. In this case, the fee will be charged as for scanning the original at 300 dpi.

When ordered material comes from the collections of the Special Collections Department, Regional Library Resources (formerly NZB) or is in a poor state of preservation and any attempts at scanning the material would further damage, in order to prevent further deterioration, the Library reserves the right to refuse service or, in special cases, applies fees determined individually.

In the case of orders for a larger number of copies, the Director of the University Library, in consultation and with a permission from the competent authority (the Vice-Rector), may determine fees for services individually.

Type of service

Pre-tax price

Fumigation and disinfection of books in gas chamber

1 batch

690,00 zł

1 item

25,00 zł*


Technical bookbinding and book preservation services

*Individual valuation, depending on the state of preservation of the item or the type of work ordered

* * In the case of items larger than A4 format – individually determined charges

Type of service

Pre-tax price

Borrowing from another library in Poland

20,00 zł

Borrowing from other libraries in Europe

70,00 zł

Borrowing from other libraries from outside Europe

120,00 zł


1 copy/A4 format

0,30 zł

Print copies from databases

1 copy/A4 format

0,30 zł


1 scanned page/A4 format

0,20 zł

Lending library materials to libraries in Europe

1 Voucher

or  8 Euro

Lending library materials to libraries outside Europe

2 Vouchery or 16 Euro

Photocopies – libraries in Europe

up to 20 copies/A4 format

1 Voucher

or  8 Euro

up to 20 copies/A4 format

2 Vouchery or 16 Euro

Type of room /Number of seats

Gross sum (pre-tax)

Large lecture hall – Room 82


100,00 zł (+ 23% VAT)

Training room – Room 62


40,00 zł (+ 23% VAT)

Team-Work Room – Room 53


40,00 zł (+ 23% VAT)

The price for the Library’s period interiors to be used for events (photography sessions, videography sessions, interviews, etc.) will be determined individually by the Librarian, depending on the entity responsible, type of the project and degree of its burdensomeness.

Minimum charges will be priced at 50.00 zł (+ 23% VAT) for the hour.


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

Udział w obiedzie w dniu 09/04/2025*
Rodzaj zgłoszenia*

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