Marcin Biedermann, the annoying and troublesome Pole for the Deutscher Ostmarkenverein (Eastern Marches Society)

Poznań University Library

and Mrs Maria Urszula Doermann

invite you to the launch of the exhibition:

Marcin Biedermann, the annoying and troublesome Pole for the Deutscher Ostmarkenverein (Eastern Marches Society)

The owner of Drwęski & Langner Bank and publisher of the Polish weekly “PRACA”

The opening of the exhibition will be on Monday 7th of October, 2019 at Poznań University Library, ul. Ratajczaka 38/40, from 12.30 pm.

The exhibition will be on display until the end of December 2019. Admission free.

Mr Radosław Pawłowski of the Rapperswil Archives, who authored a number of publications on the Potulicki family, will be a special guest at the exhibition opening. Those interested in the subject of the exhibition, or more generally in archival pursuits in the areas of history and auxiliary realms, will have a chance to chat informally and exchange ideas during a hospitality hour at Room 82 following the opening of the exhibition.


II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu

Udział w obiedzie w dniu 09/04/2025*
Rodzaj zgłoszenia*

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