II Poznańska Konferencja Centrum Naukometrycznego
Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu
8-9 kwietnia 2025 r.
Collegium Minus, Sala XVII, ul. Wieniawskiego 1, Poznań

zajmuje się oceną nauki oraz studiami nad nauką. Jest profesorem uczelni w Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, gdzie kieruje grupą badawczą Scholarly Communication Research Group. W latach 2018–2020 był przewodniczącym European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities zrzeszającej naukowców z 37 krajów. W 2018 r. otrzymał nagrodę naukową Prezesa Polskiej Akademii Nauk za serię artykułów naukowych poświęconych naukometrii, opublikowanych w uznanych czasopismach międzynarodowych. Obecnie kieruje projektem Punktoza w czasach systemów ewaluacji nauki (Sonata BIS, NCN). Był członkiem Komitetu Ewaluacji Jednostek Naukowych oraz Komisji Ewaluacji Nauki.

Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra
Since May 2023, Erzsébet has been the Program Manager of CoARA where she is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Coalition. As such, she also coordinates the CoARA Boost Horizon Europe project. Erzsebet has a solid background in open science and research assessment in the Arts and Humanities disciplines. Before joining CoARA, she was the first Open Science Officer for DARIAH-EU. She received her PhD in Cognitive Linguistics at the Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest. In recent years, her professional interests and publication activities have been shifting towards the study of data sharing, publication and evaluation practices, such as FAIR data in the Humanities, quality assessment of innovative scholarship in the Social Sciences and Humanities or evaluation and peer review challenges around Virtual Research Environments.

Michal Petr
the head of the Centre for Scientometric Support and Evaluation at the Rector’s Office of Masaryk University, where he works in research assessment, scientometrics and scholarly communication. His background in history and archaeology affects his focus on social sciences and humanities (SSH) in these domains. He enjoys disentangling publication patterns and systemic effects of research assessment on academic cultures, behaviours in different disciplines, and on strategies in research. In his position, he promotes responsible research evaluation ideals in both individual and research assessments. Michal is a member of ENRESSH (European Network for Research Evaluation in SSH) and a national expert for ERIH PLUS. He is also an author of occasional studies and works as a lecturer and coordinator of the CZARMA.cz working group on science evaluation.

Jadranka Stojanovski
senior researcher at the University of Zadar. She plays a pivotal role in shaping open access and open science infrastructure and services while effectively curating knowledge generated by the Croatian research community. Jadranka’s commitment to advancing open scholarly communication is underscored by her involvement in numerous international initiatives, projects and communities, like OPERAS, OpenAIRE, NI4OS Europe, PEERE, ENRESSH, UNESCO, OS MOOC, and EASE. Jadranka represents Croatia as a delegate in the European Commission Expert Group on National Points of Reference on Scientific Information and OPERAS in CoARA. Her research interests are firmly rooted in the realm of open scholarly communication, with a specific focus on peer review and research assessment, emerging trends in scholarly publishing, editorial quality, research integrity, and research data management.
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu – Oddział Informacji i Transferu Wiedzy
tel: +48 618293878